Becky Valls
Becky Valls

Exquisite Corpse performance - Dario Robleto, Woody Witt, and Becky Valls

Your Brain on Art Conference, Valencia, Spain       September 2017

Going Dutch Chicago July 28-30, 2016

Trail of Dresses

Babette Beaullieu and Becky will be performing Trail of Dresses in Going Dutch Art Festival in Chicgo on July 29 & 30. The dance is based on Memoirs of the Sistahood - Chapter Four: Sacred Trails which was performed at the Contemporary Arts Center in New Orleans. The  work was centered around Babette's art installation and performed by Babette, Becky, and Toni Valle.

In New Orleans, Babette ritually built a trail of dresses and objects on the floor. She explains “the impermanence of our possessions creates a trail of human remnants that trace our history and connect us to memory. In this state of transience, we observe what we are carrying forward and what we are leaving behind.” For Chicago, Becky is choreographing a companion piece that works with the building of the trail of dresses using ceremony, and gesture. “I use gestures that are quirky and rhythmically dynamic to expose personal nuance and reveal private meaning.”   The overall work deals with transition – constructing and de-constructing- through the building and manipulation of objects in space

 February 2015

Red Square, a solo performed wearing a skullcap embedded with electrodes to track brainwaves, causing them to alter the stage lighting,  in the University of Houston’s Jose Quintero Theatre, Cynthia Woods Mitchell Center for the Arts. A collaboration with Dr. Jose “Pepe” Contreras-Vidal, Professor, UH Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


Photos by Lynn Lane

Red Square

Red Square

James Rosengren, Blaffer Art Museum

Becky Valls

Dr. Pepe Contreras-Vidal


Becky received tenure at University of Houston and is now an Associate Professor. 

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